Simple ways on how to Detox your Carpet or Mattresses

A carpet or a mattress is a long term investment in every house. For this reason, it is important for you to know how to quickly detox your carpet or mattress. Mattresses and carpets can store dead skin, dirt, dust mites, and microbes. This is why they need to be regularly cleaned and detoxed.

The good news is that cleaning your carpet or mattress can be made easier by the following detox methods.

Cleaning Shampoos

Use cleaning shampoos to detox your carpet. You need to leave your carpet soaked in the shampoo for at least an hour and leave it to dry. Then use the vacuum cleaner to remove all dirt and dead bacteria. This is one of the most common methods among homeowners in Singapore because of its easy and effective.

Use Steam Cleaning

Steaming is one of the most effective methods for detoxing your carpet or mattress. This is because it eliminates all bacteria and allergens in your carpet and sterilizes it. This makes it safer for home use because it prevents bacterial infection. Then you can use a vacuum cleaner to dry the surface after steaming. It is important to note that this process is quick and effective.

Sprinkle Dry Powder

This method does not need water. This powder is effective to kill bacteria and allergens in your carpet or mattress. You need to make sure that you are using the right dry powder that is recommended for home cleaning. After sprinkling, leave the surfaces for 24 hours then use a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and debris. A vacuum cleaner can extract dirt particles and powder particles from the mattress or the carpet.

Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is a common home cleaning method that helps to get rid of acid stains and other stubborn stains on your carpet. Mix the baking soda with water and spray the affected area. Leave for at least 30 minutes then scrub it with a soft brush. If the stain does not come out, you can use alcohol to deal with the stubborn stains. Finally use a vacuum dryer to dry the spot and keep your carpet clean and dry.

Use Vinegar

Blood spots and stains can be easily removed by vinegar. Mix vinegar with the detergent and water and spray on the affected area. Leave it for 30 minutes then clean the stain with a brush or a towel. Once the stain is removed, you can use a vacuum cleaner to dry the spot.

Hire an Expert

It is important to hire an expert to detox your carpet or mattress. This is because an expert knows their job and will be able to choose the most effective chemicals that are user-friendly. You will get a clean and sanitized carpet at the comfort of your house. The process will take lesser time and you will receive maximum results. Our services are highly recommended because we use the best products and equipment to detox your carpet or mattresses.

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